Now Puffles Just Wanna Have Fun, not just girls!

iS prInce CoMinG? Oh Nevverrmindd. It’ss me, Prrince’S PuFFle, I deCided to PosT while he HANGS out witH HIsss FrieNDS, So we JUST wanNA HavE fUn! I woUld like to poSt tHiS for AlL tHe PufefieoiiDKF… Oh Nick! What were you doing? Hehe, my puffle! He just wanted to tell you guys that the puffles are gonna’ have a party of THEIR OWN hehe! Anyway I just wanted to say it was gonna be at the 20th!!! Omg It’s gonna be so much fun! And one day before our Prince Banks’ Great Valentine’s Day Party they are gonna be able to interact with their furniture! Oh Nick! *rubs Nick’s tummy* Oh by the way, Pinky has something to say! Hi IT’s PinkY herE I JusT waNted To ReMeMber YoU AbOUT The PuFFle Love ContESt PRince Made For Uss, JusT come WitH yoUr PuffLe To The PARTy oR seArch on ThE sEarCher Prince Banks Valentines Party FoR more PartAy InFo Or JusT fInd THe CoNtesT oN tHe FollOwwing Linkk:  THaNk YoU! Oh Pinky… Anyway they just wanted to blog hehe! Well They want to show you this pic:puffle2And also say something:

ThAnKKsS foRR ReAdIIng!:

 ~pinky, blue, nick, rose, ecology, zaboo & kika.  AND PRINCE!!!